This crib board is about double the size of a conventional crib board and designed for ease of use having larger pegs and tapered peg holes. I thought it would be nice to have a bigger board with bigger pegs to play on when space permits.
I already have a lot of regular-sized boards so I really did not have too much interest in just making another board. But making a bigger board also meant I could print larger more durable pegs. But I should warn you, this was about 100 hours of printing.
The base of the crib board is designed in two parts that permanently snap together. They will fit onto a 300mm print surface. Then the tracks are inserted afterwards to create a very rigid final board. It is easier to understand when you see the images below that show the print arrangements.
Once printed, all the parts snap together and I did not intend for it to ever be disassmbled.
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