Category: Back Yard

  • Herb Stripper

    Herb Stripper

    I really enjoy growing and saving herbs for the winter and this week I sun-dried a bunch. While stripping the herbs from their stems with my fingers, as I have always done, I thought – there must be a better way. And, sure enough, herb strippers are a thing. But rather than buy one I…

  • Lid Stack Hanger

    Lid Stack Hanger

    A simple design but so effective at getting those pot lids organized.

  • BevvyShade3


    I feel like this is one of my least appreciated designs but one of my personal favourites. Mostly because it is really fun and then also because it actually works. I don’t do the sun myself but I do like being outside and sitting on our patio enjoying a cold drink in the summer. And,…

  • Drink Charms

    Drink Charms

    Everyone (or at least most people) knows about wine charms but these are “drink charms” for all beverages… Many years ago I designed a series of wine charms that worked out really well but recently I recognized the need for charms for water glasses, cocktails, beer bottles and more. And, here is my solution… interchangeable…

  • BevvySteady3 Drink Holster

    BevvySteady3 Drink Holster

    This one makes me happy… not just because I can keep a beer handy but because I have been trying to perfect this concept for a long time. My original design (here) was ok for me at the time but not ok for me now. This design is infinitely superior and complex. Three axes of…

  • Folding Garden Canopy

    Folding Garden Canopy

    Living where we do, I have difficulty keeping some of my herbs (plants) alive through the winters. But I have found protecting them from the winter elements using a cover is extremely effective in getting them into the spring in good shape. So I created a folding canopy structure using 1/2 PVC pipe and a…

  • Giant Spider

    Giant Spider

    We are doing a kind of “spider” based Halloween theme decoration this year and so I was looking for large spiders to print to put on the front lawn. I found a few decent ones but none that were huge or had articulated legs. Maybe they are out there but I didn’t find them. So……

  • Step Fountain for Bob

    Step Fountain for Bob

    I saw something like this in a dog video some time ago and thought what a great project to try to remake for 3D printing. It was a little ambitious for me but in the end, it works super well. One of my dogs (Bob) just loves it. Albeit I can’t turn my back on…

  • BevvyShade Drink Shade

    BevvyShade Drink Shade

    I was sitting on my patio the other day, drinking a warm beer in the sun and thought, I need a drink shade. Here it is…

  • Beer Tap Tower

    Beer Tap Tower

    One of my hobbies during COVID-19 was making beer (and cider) which turned out to be a great hobby! And, I decided I needed to have it all on tap in my backyard. So I designed and printed a kegerator! Ok, not a whole kegerator but a tap head! ok, not an entire tap head…