Category: WallPlateMate

  • Stick-on FlexPlate

    Stick-on FlexPlate

    This is an extension of my wallplatemate system. See for more product information. I have created a stick-on version of the WallMatePlate FlexPlate (p/n FP1) which is an alternative to the original screw-on version (p/n FP0). This new stick-on version is designed to use 19mm (0.75″) wide double-sided adhesive to attach the FlexPlate to…

  • WallPlateMate™


    See for more product information. So this is a big one for me… It has evolved out of a few simple ideas and has become a lot of different parts that all work together to make my life better. And, I hope it will for you too. I originally started out trying to create…