Parts and Naming Convention
The StashCan Series 2 consists of the parts listed below by section of the design. Each of the parts has been assigned a part number for reference purposes which precedes the parts name. The part numbers are just for reference and can be correlated to the exploded diagrams available here.
In some cases, regular parentheses “()” are used to indicate a multiplier if more than one of the parts is needed. For example “(x2) means print two of these parts.
Square parentheses “[]” are used to indicate a colour or colour category recommendation. Colour indications are explained below in the Filament Colour section of this page.
Following the part name, in some cases, are notes which will be preceded by a “-” if present.
These part numbers along with their suffixes (excluding the notes) are also their file names.
1xx Series Parts – Top Assembly Parts
101 Can Top [s] -includes support
102 Pull Tab [s]
103 Push Down Plate [s]
104 Push Down Spacer [s]
105 Lock Spring [a]
106 Cam Plate [i]
107 Top C Clip [a]
108 Top Retainer [a]
2xx Series Parts – Middle Assembly
201 Can [f]
202 Can Liner [i] -I recommend white for this part
203 Gravity Latch [i]
204 Thread Lock [i]
3xx Series Parts – Bottom Assembly
318 Lock Top [i]
319 Lock C Clip [a]
321 Lock Disk A [i]
322 Lock Disk B [i]
323 Lock Disk C [i]
331 Key Disk A [a]
332 Key Disk B [a]
341 Ring Spring (x3) [a]
351 Lock Dial [s] -AMS version available [a]
361 Lock Housing [s] -AMS version available [a]
Print Settings & Material Selection
Material selection is entirely up to you. I have built it in PLA, ABS and PETG without any difficulties. Print quality and building it carefully are probably the most important factors to success with this product.
I recommend the following settings:
- Material: PLA
- Nozzle: 0.4mm
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Line Width: 0.4mm
- Wall Count: 4 (1.6mm)
- Top and Bottom Layer Count: 5
- Detect Thin Walls: ON
- Wall Generator: Arachne
- Infill: 40% (Cubic)
- Ironing: Not required
- Brim: No (but add it if you need to for any particular parts)
- Support: No, support is included where needed
Filament Colour
Filament colour for the most part is entirely up to you. But I found using 4 different filaments made a pretty nice end product (no AMS required but can be used for a couple of parts). I have indicated my colour suggestions in the file names inside the square brackets []. I used the following nomenclature:
[f] – Feature colour – the Can (I used red)
[s] – Secondary external colour – top and bottom of the can (I suggest silver or grey)
[i] – Internal colour, could be anything and even the same as any of the colours above, but I like to separate them (I used white to help brighten up the inside)
[a] – internal accent elements, could be same as [c] (I used red)
Here are all the parts repeated from above by grouped by my suggested colours:
[f] colour group – red suggested
201 Can [f]
[s] colour group – silver or light grey suggested
101 Can Top [s] -includes support
102 Pull Tab [s]
103 Push Down Plate [s]
104 Push Down Spacer [s]
351 Lock Dial [s] -AMS version available, see below
361 Lock Housing [s] -AMS version available, see below
[i] colour group – white suggested
106 Cam Plate [i]
202 Can Liner [i] -I recommend white for this part
203 Gravity Latch [i]
204 Thread Lock [i]
318 Lock Top [i]
321 Lock Disk A [i]
322 Lock Disk B [i]
323 Lock Disk C [i]
[a] colour group – red suggested
105 Lock Spring [a]
107 Top C Clip [a]
108 Top Retainer [a]
319 Lock C Clip [a]
331 Key Disk A [a]
332 Key Disk B [a]
341 Ring Spring (x3) [a]
All of the StashCan parts can be printed without the use of multifilament printing (aka an AMS). However, I have modified the two bottom parts of the can to make the StashCan more usable, especially in low light. See the accompanying image. By using an accent colour on the bottom of the can you can make the lock dial more readable and easier to use.
When an AMS is available, I recommend the following colours:
351 Lock Dial
– Lock Dial Body [s]
– Lock Dial Numbers [a]
361 Lock Housing
– Lock Housing [s]
– Indicator on Lock Housing [a]