Just in time for Halloween, this is a redo of my large articulated, snap-together, 3d printed spider. It is half a meter (about 20 inches) across when built. This is version 2.0, I made the original one about a year ago. That one was good but I have made a whole host of revisions making this one much better.

This is a pretty big print project because of the size and number of parts required. So give yourself plenty of print time and keep your printed parts organized. The body is made up of a top and bottom section. The bottom (lower) section has two print-in-place snap lock hinges to hold it together with the top section. And, the leg assemblies are all held in place when the two body sections are snapped together.

Conventionally the spider has 8 legs (four on each side) and the front and back legs are longer than the two middle ones. But you can actually build it however you want.
All the leg joints are articulated and have a click mechanism so you can animate the spider however you want.
This product was designed for a 0.4mm nozzle, a 0.2mm layer height and the following settings:
- Wall Line Count = 2 ( 2 x 0.4mm = 0.8mm walls )
- Top and Bottom Layer Count = 3 ( 5 x 0.2mm = 0.6mm top and bottom )
- Infill = 15%, Cubic
- Ironing = OFF (not needed)
- Support = None required
- Brim = NO (a brim can complicate details of print-in-place parts and parts printed close together)
- MATERIAL: PLA (any material should work fine)

Assembly Notes
No assembly or post-print processing is required.

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